
Cross-Burning in Newhall

I would like to respond to the series of articles you ran regarding the cross-burning incident that occurred in Newhall.

I am a resident of Hidden Valley estates and I am deeply upset by what has happened to my neighbor. The person responsible for the cross-burning has a sick mind and should be brought to justice.

However, I take issue with Mr. Quals’ claim that he is being denied approval of his landscaping plans because he is a black man. Mr. Quals lives in a community that has a homeowners association. There are rules applicable to all the homeowners governing the appearance of their houses. These rules are given to all prospective home buyers. Mr. Quals was aware of these rules before he purchased his home. He moved to Newhall because “it is someplace safer to live.” Yet it is Mr. Quals’ intention to construct a dog run along the entire perimeter of his property and put attack dogs in the run. That is one of the things the architectural committee has rejected, not just the building of a fence.


Additionally, Mr. Quals has been quite vehement in his dealings with the members of the architectural committee and the board of directors. It is an issue of homeowners’ rights. The rules were established to protect the investment of Mr. Quals, as well as every other homeowner.

It is also important to note that there are other black families as well as other minorities living in the Hidden Valley estates. Most of the residents who live in Hidden Valley came of age in the ‘60s or ‘70s, and as such, share enlightened and liberal views. However, the issue, plain and simple, is clearly a dispute between Mr. Quals and the homeowners association that involves questioning rules that govern a community. Race is not the issue.


