
3 Indicted on Conspiracy, Tax Evasion Counts

Times Staff Writer

The owner of two Montebello aerospace firms, one of his employees and an executive of a Tustin firm were indicted in federal court Thursday on charges of conspiracy to defraud the government and tax evasion.

Joseph Kasparoff, owner and president of Super K and J. K. Precision, was indicted on seven counts of conspiracy to defraud the government and tax evasion. Harold Geyer, 69, was indicted on eight similar counts and Frank Calta, 39, president of Paul Calta and Sons Inc. of Tustin, was indicted on four counts. Kasparoff lives in Encino, Geyer in Brea and Calta in Orange.

Improper Tax Claims Charged

The conspiracy charge alleges that Kasparoff, 55, improperly claimed on his tax returns between 1983 and 1986 several hundred thousand dollars in expenses as part of a scheme to create checks to fictitious payees and that he fabricated corporate records.


Kasparoff is charged with having his employees issue checks drawn on his company’s bank accounts to Geyer. According to the indictment, he would then cash the checks and return the funds to Kasparoff. The effort was to create the appearance that Geyer was being paid for services related to aerospace subcontracts, the indictment said.

Fraudulent Checks Alleged

The indictment also charges that Kasparoff issued checks, to fictitious people and entities, which were then cashed by Calta at a bank or a liquor store. These amounts are alleged to have been deducted on Kasparoff’s individual income tax and J. K. Precision’s income tax return.

Kasparoff and Geyer are already awaiting trial on other federal charges that they submitted false claims on subcontracts for the B-1 bomber. They agreed to manufacture a bulkhead for the B-1 for $23,000, but through cost overruns the parts were produced for $750,000. The trial is scheduled to begin Feb. 14 in federal district court in Los Angeles.
