
Local News in Brief : San Clemente : 8 Developers Ranked in New Home Derby

Eight developers vying for the right to build 500 new homes in San Clemente under the city’s slow-growth initiative had their projects reviewed this week and ranked by the Planning Commission according to aesthetics, quality and value to the community.

“This is just a housing beauty contest,” Associate City Planner Michael Poland said after the 4-hour meeting Tuesday night. “Projects are judged for their higher quality, the more beautiful their property is and the more units they have.”

Commissioners rated Bird Development highest, while Arenoso Lane, UDC Homes and Lusk Co. all tied for second. Then came Sea Pointe Estates, Brisa Pacifica, Centex Homes and Richmond American.


The eight developers have proposed building a total of 724 residential units in the city, but the 1986 slow-growth measure, known as Measure B, restricts the number of units to no more than 500 a year. The mandate’s purpose is to maintain a steady residential growth in the city each year in order to equally extend city services to the residents.

The developer rankings will ultimately be used as a guideline by the City Council in deciding the number of units each company should be allowed to build. The council will make the final decision at its Feb. 22 meeting.
