
‘Abortion and the Court’

When The Times reported the President’s telephone hookup with those gathered for the 16th annual March for Life (“Bush Calls for Reversal of ’73 Abortion Ruling,” Part I, Jan. 24), the real bombshell of the story was accorded a scant line’s attention, buried in the 11th paragraph of a story which was buried on Page 19: “ ‘America needs a human life amendment,’ the President said.”

A human life amendment?! This is news! To my knowledge, not once in his campaign for the presidency did Bush call for such an amendment. Yet on his first business day as President, Bush blithely proposes this startling legislation.

I want to hear more. What exactly is Bush proposing? And why didn’t he inform the American people of this striking point of his agenda during the campaign?


Avowing such a reactionary plan so early in his presidency--without even a hint of his intention to do so during the campaign--smacks of dishonesty.


