
SDSU, Padre Dispute Over Signs Continues

With only two days remaining before the next San Diego State football game at San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium, officials are still trying to resolve a dispute between the Aztecs and the Padres over the Aztecs’ placement of advertising signs in the stadium.

A meeting Wednesday among Padre, Aztec and city officials again failed to come to a solution, said Jack McGrory, assistant city manager. It was the second such meeting in eight days.

McGrory said he would consult today with the office of John Witt, the city attorney, in hopes of resolving the question in time for the Aztecs’ game Saturday night against Oregon.


The Padres have objected to the Aztecs’ use of signboards on the stadium field promoting companies involved in their corporate sponsorship program. The program, which is in its first year, promises the companies stadium advertising and other promotional activities in exchange for fees ranging up to $75,000 per year.

The Padres contend that their lease with the city gives them exclusive rights to sell such advertising and that other stadium users may only advertise game-day sponsors. The Aztecs contend that the Padres should not be able to dictate such policy in a city-owned facility.

The Aztecs were permitted to display the signs at their home opener, Sept. 11 against Air Force, while the issue was being discussed. But in the nearly three weeks since, there has been no movement as both parties have remained firm in their positions.
