
“That’s Hollywood” musical revue on Sept. 24...

“That’s Hollywood” musical revue on Sept. 24 netted about $65,000 for the Martin Luther Hospital Foundation. Dennis Archer was chairman.

The “Jim Slemons Kings of the Court” tennis exhibition at the Newport Beach Tennis Club on Sept. 20 netted about $50,000 for the National Foundation of Wheelchair Tennis. Brad Parks and Vicki Turner were co-chairmen.

The “Art of Caring” dinner and auction on Sept. 25 netted about $40,000 for the Laguna Beach Community Clinic. Philippe Stoner was chairman.


The Christmas Boat Parade Auction netted about $27,000 Sept. 22 for United Cerebral Palsy. Bill Hamilton was chairman.

A lunch and fashion show at the Irvine Hilton & Towers netted about $15,000 Sept. 22 for the Santa Ana auxiliary of the Children’s Home Society of California. Ann Means and Teddy were co-chairmen.

The OCHSA Championship Horse Show at Coto de Caza on Sept. 20 netted $12,000 for Western Medical Center. Mike Braun and Marianne Boyd were co-chairmen.


The “Caribbean Fantasy” netted $7,500 Sept. 22 for Olive Crest Treatment Centers for abused children. Mary Woodmansee was chairman.

The “Noche Tropical” dinner dance on Sept. 24 netted about $3,000 for the Leukemia Society of America. Olga Niebla was chairwoman.
