
Mycogen Corp., a developer of biopesticides, has...

Mycogen Corp., a developer of biopesticides, has signed a long-term agreement to have International Bio-Synthetics (IBIS) manufacture Mycogen’s new M-One biopesticide for the Colorado potato beetle.

The agreement stipulates that IBIS will make M-One at its Kingtree, S. C., industrial fermentation plant in exchange for a percentage of sales revenue generated by the product. No money is changing hands between the two companies. Mycogen claims that the arrangement will save it up to $20 million in capital costs that would be required to manufacture the pesticide itself.

Mycogen began marketing M-One, its first product, this year. The product is a highly concentrated strain of a Bacillus thuringiensis microorganism that is fatal when ingested by the Colorado potato beetle.

IBIS is a joint venture of Royal Dutch/Shell and Royal Gist-Brocades, both based in the Netherlands, that has annual sales of about $150 million, Mycogen Vice President Andrew Barnes said Wednesday.


IBIS produces a line of industrial enzymes, biopolymers and specialty chemicals that are used in detergents and other products. Its customers include “Procter & Gamble and all the major laundry detergent suppliers,” Barnes said.
