
Deukmejian Restores CAC Challenge-Grant Budget Cuts

In a major financial and symbolic victory for the state’s arts community, Gov. George Deukmejian has restored $930,000 to the budget of the California Arts Council for its challenge-grant program.

The legislation restoring the funds, which were trimmed in June after the council named 34 arts groups statewide as challenge grant recipients, was part of a nine-bill package signed by Deukmejian on Tuesday.

Every arts organization announced as a challenge grant winner will receive its grant, said a council spokeswoman.


“The restoration is incredibly important because it means that (the arts) were perceived as a priority and funded as a priority,” said Susan Hoffman, director of the California Confederation of the Arts.

The grants require arts organizations to either double or triple their state funds with private funds. The state grants range from $10,000 to $75,000.
