
Work Started on Garage for Central Library, 73-Story Tower

Construction is under way on a new subterranean structure designed to provide parking for Central Library patrons as well as for the nearby 73-story First Interstate World Center being developed on 5th Street.

The $9-million, 271,800-square-foot facility, with spaces for 946 cars, will be located under the west lawn, an area that will be returned to its original beauty, said Robert F. Maguire III, co-managing partners of Maguire Thomas Partners, the developer.

The firm purchased the garage site as part of an agreement with the Community Redevelopment Agency that would provide $110 million in financing for the renovation and expansion of the Central Library and other city projects.


In preparing for construction of the parking structure, Morley Construction Co. has removed and preserved a number off treasured library artifacts. They include the tiled Central Library sign, several decorative wrought-iron light standards and more than 150 limestone caps.
