
Local News in Brief : Woman Killed by Trash Truck

A 63-year-old woman died on the street in front of her Lawndale home Friday morning when she fell under a garbage truck and was crushed, sheriff’s deputies reported.

Pearl Mangyik may have been bringing another load of trash to the curb when she fell under the truck, which was moving forward near her home in the 14400 block of Grevillea Avenue, Deputy David Pacheco said.

The driver of the BFI Industries rubbish truck, whose name was not available, did not see the woman and was not aware what had happened until neighbors and Mangyik’s husband, Steve, screamed at him to stop, Pacheco said.


Paramedics pronounced Mangyik dead of massive head injuries when they arrived at the scene about 11 a.m.

The woman had lived in the neighborhood of single-family homes near the north end of Lawndale for more than 20 years and worked part time as a coffee shop hostess, a neighbor said.

Sheriff’s deputies said the driver was not cited.
