
Herb Cawthorne

I have worked to improve San Diego for 32 years and I have never seen or heard anyone as arrogant as Peter Navarro. He has the gall to call Herb Cawthorne, the Urban League president, a “sellout,” and say that he is not in touch with the grass roots.

He says these things just because Mr. Cawthorne’s views differ with his. But I would ask, “What does Mr. Navarro know about the grass-roots black community? What does he know about Herb Cawthorne or the Urban League?” Judging from his appearance at the Catfish Club, I don’t think he knows anything about this community.

Herb Cawthorne is a breath of fresh air at the Urban League. He is not afraid to take a position on the big questions facing our city. He is also a very good administrator who is straightening out the Urban League. He works 15 hours a day and is pulling together people in ways I haven’t seen for years.


The Times should spend a little time talking to people the Urban League serves and staff who are working there now, and give less attention to disgruntled people who left the organization.

The community needs a good Urban League, and Herb Cawthorne is bringing us one. We should support him.


San Diego
