
A New Leaf

In the 1970s, Jerry Bordeaux--hooked on the addictive adventure of being a modern-day “cowboy”--spent seven years smuggling pot from Mexico into the States. As the financial stakes grew, the “industry” became more perilous--and a two-year jail stretch also dampened his enthusiasm.

So he’s ended up in a less dangerous business--telling his tale on the big screen.

“High Cargo,” written by his son, Bret, a USC film grad, is scheduled to begin shooting Nov. 15 in Mexico for producer Lawrence Mortorff (budget: $6-7 million).

“I see the story as signaling the end of a romantic era,” said Mortorff. “It’s got humor and romance, but it’s basically about a guy who’s out of step with the times.”


John Bilecki directs, John Frankenheimer serves as exec producer. Negotiations are under way for Michael Biehm (“Aliens,” “The Terminator”) to star.
