
The average price of gasoline declined less...

The average price of gasoline declined less than a penny at the pumps in the past three weeks, the Lundberg Survey of gas stations nationwide reported. The downward slide could continue because wholesale prices have also dropped, said Trilby Lundberg, adding that the average price was virtually identical to the cost of a gallon of gasoline in September, 1987. The survey found that the average, including all grades of gasoline, taxes and full- and self-serve prices, was 102.49 cents a gallon, a drop of .93 cent from the Aug. 19 average. Self-serve prices per gallon were: regular unleaded, 93.37 cents; premium unleaded, 108.44 cents, and regular leaded, 90.04 cents. Full-serve prices were: regular unleaded, 121.70 cents; premium unleaded, 131.57 cents, and regular leaded, 117.62 cents.
