
John-Roger Revisited

Thank you for your two-part article on John-Roger and the MSIA church and other wonderful organizations in your Aug. 14 and 15 issues. This information should serve to enlighten and uplift those who read it with an open mind.

Personally I could have done without the sensational aspects of John-Roger having sex with his male staff, or reports thereof because I believe that John-Roger’s sex life is none of anyone’s business other than his and those who have chosen to engage in sex with him. Unlike some religions, John-Roger has never preached against homosexuality or acts of sex between members of the same sex. He says that your sex life has nothing to do with your spirituality or who you are and he suggests you do what works for you. If his staff did have sex with him and it did not work for them, then that’s too bad for them and they should have stopped and apparently they did, but frankly I would prefer not to hear about it. It happened years ago and as John-Roger says, “Next.” Even if it happened yesterday, it would still be, “Next.”


