
Cesar Chavez’s 36-Day Fast and UFW Boycott of Grapes

Cesar Chavez’s fast and the United Farm Workers’ contention that farm workers and table grape consumers are threatening the health and welfare of farm workers and table grape consumers give rise to some obvious questions.

Farm workers and table grape consumers are the folks who keep farmers in business. Is it logical that we would jeopardize their health and welfare?

We farmers are consumers ourselves. We’ve been eating table grapes for years. Our children eat table grapes. Our grandchildren eat table grapes. Would we jeopardize their health and welfare?


The fact of the matter is that the pesticide issue concerning table grapes is a hoax. The table grapes we buy in our stores have been protected by appropriate county and state testing procedures. Recent reports from California, Ohio, Canada and federal testing agencies have given California table grapes their stamp of approval. This is a unionization issue . . . not a food safety issue.



Fresno County Farm Bureau
