
Abortion Foes’ New Tactics

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo for “Civil Disobedience Against Abortion!” (Cal Thomas, Op-Ed Page, Aug. 29). When a policy of government involves a moral decision in this country, it seems we have to take to the streets to make our point. It worked for the women’s vote, and now it will work for abortion.

It is hard to understand why people who profess to be for human rights can say that abortion should remain legal. On the other hand, continuing to force unwanted babies to be born with no visible means of support is morally wrong too. If we are to uphold the right to life for the unborn child, we must also provide for that child, since most abortions are made for economic reasons. If the right-to-lifers are so enamored by the unborn child, let them love the born children. Why do we have poverty-stricken homeless children on our streets? What political games have been played to allow beggars and homeless people to be a common part of the American way of life?

I would not vote for a candidate just on the abortion issue. It is up to the people to change that law with referendums, petitions and yes, civil disobedience. I will vote for the candidate who is most outraged by economic murder--the murder of school programs, health programs and job training programs that used to make our streets void of the shame we see. We must give every human being, born and unborn, the right to a life with at least the minimum social services that make our country compassionate.



Westlake Village
