
Hank Williams Jr. Is His ‘Un-Favorite’

My love of country music is being sorely tested! The country station of my choice was KZLA, and I thought they were providing a good cross section of favorites. One of my “un-favorites” has always been Hank Williams Jr. I could never understand why he was honored by his peers at the Country Music Awards. To me, his talent had to be weighed against the image of the fast livin’, smokin’, drinkin’, partyin’ country brat.

That was OK--hardly the All-America role model one would like to see in a star, but I could turn him off, forget about him and listen to people I really enjoyed. Then, I happened to hear one of his latest productions, “If the South Woulda Won.” I could not believe what I was hearing.

The premise of “If the South Woulda Won” is racist. At least it is if I correctly remember the cause of the Civil War. This song goes on to say that if the South, indeed, “hadda won, we’da had it made!” Just “who’da had it made,” black people?


Hank Jr. doesn’t stop there. He gets in a pitch for lynching being the way to go, Miami being given back to Florida and himself running for president of the Confederate States. I wonder how much worse it could be.

If this song is intended to be tongue-in-cheek, it is not at all funny and is so tasteless and insensitive that one just feels ill after hearing it.

This song should be real fodder for the skinheads of this society.

In my opinion, this artist should be boycotted and so should station KZLA for airing such sleaze!


Los Alamitos
