
86-Year-Old Woman Raped in Burbank

An 86-year-old Burbank woman was raped in her room at a retirement home by a man who climbed through a window and told her he was from the Fire Department, police said Monday.

The victim was choked until she lost consciousness and was raped about 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Sgt. Don Goldberg said. The woman was taken to the St. Joseph Medical Center, where she was in stable condition Monday. The retirement home is in the 1900 block of Grismer Avenue.

Police had few clues to the identity of the attacker, described by the victim as looking like a “clean-cut college kid,” Goldberg said.


Goldberg said the woman walked into her second-floor bedroom and saw the man climbing through the window. He said the rapist claimed he was with the Fire Department and then grabbed her, put a pillow over her face and began choking her. When she awoke later, the attacker was gone.

Police said the rapist avoided setting off a burglar alarm or alerting attendants on duty.
