
Many Paved Road to Vasquez’s Success

The article “Gaddi Vasquez’s Role: ‘An American Dream’ on GOP Prime Time” was interesting. He seems to be a dedicated young man. A man dedicated to his family, his god and his country. It seems that he truly has reached the “American Dream.”

But lest he forget (and I’m sure he’s not naive) the road to his success was paved by many before him. John and Robert Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Cesar Chavez (who at this moment is still struggling for the rights of farm workers to work in a poison-free environment), Martin Luther King Jr., Barbara Jordan and a host of others.

Vasquez does not know how it was in the 1950s when, no matter how qualified or intelligent an employee was, he was overlooked if he was Hispanic. It was only after the civil rights laws were passed that the Hispanic was given a chance at the “American Dream.”



Huntington Beach
