
‘The Last Temptation of Christ’

My family spends a great deal of money yearly at the Edwards Cinemas in Orange County. We in Orange County are sometimes unable to see excellent films because Edwards does not show them. I would resent it greatly if Mr. Edwards denied me my right to see the controversial film “The Last Temptation of Christ” because of his beliefs.

The movie is based on a brilliant piece of literature. The book has been around a long time. No one has to read it who doesn’t choose to. No one has to view the film. I choose to view the film. I don’t want Mr. Edwards to be my censor. I read the book and was not harmed by it.

The Edwards people have a responsibility to the public of Orange County to provide a wide range of films, especially so because they have a virtual monopoly.


We are a varied and intelligent citizenry in Orange County, and we should be our own judges as to what we want to see.

The clamor raised by a minority of the religious community over a film they have not seen is shameful. I hope Mr. Edwards won’t cave in to uninformed opinions, and I hope he will see the movie himself and think carefully about his decision.


