
Protection of Rights, Lives of Homosexuals

How interesting it is to see the creation of yet another values coalition in Orange County. This time a group from Irvine (the Irvine Values Coalition) has started a grass-roots effort to throw a wrench into the city’s new human rights ordinance.

The reason they have formed this group is because “the City Council ignored overwhelming community opposition to special protection for gays” during recently held public hearings. As a resident of Irvine, I watched these hearings and saw both sides of the issue debated. Each side had its supporters. There was no clear winner.

Now there is a hate campaign disguised as a political battle. I supported the ordinance with the faith that all residents of this fortunate community would no longer accept prejudice in any form. No special favors for any group. This is what the ordinance is all about. Hate should not enter into this debate.


According to an employee of the mayor’s office, the city has no official motto. But they did agree that unofficially (as seen on bumper stickers throughout this community), “Irvine . . . Another Day in Paradise” would sum it up. Just a word to the wise: Remember what happened in the Garden of Eden.


