
Another Temptation

According to vet producer-screenwriter Robert Kaufman, “The Last Temptation of Christ” is ushering in the second coming of his religious comedy “Christy.”

Ten years ago Kaufman (“Love at First Bite”) took a yarn about Christ’s younger sister living in contemporary California--to Orion Pics. According to Kaufman, one exec loved it; another wasn’t so loving. The script went back into the drawer.

But: “I figure if Marty Scorsese can show Christ sleeping with Mary Magdalene, the public’s ready for anything.”


So “Christy” is making the rounds.

The story begins with wealthy Angelenos Mary and Joe (he runs a construction biz) honeymooning in Jerusalem. While he’s in the shower, she has a vision and Christy arrives nine months later.

Years later, as a senior and cheerleader at Santa Monica High, Christy decides not to repeat her big brother’s “mistakes” by revealing her identity. She likes the simple life--like walking across her back-yard swimming pool. But during nightly meetings with her Big Bro (Jesus loves the earthly delight of Haagen-Dazs ice cream), he encourages her to take her place as the new Messiah.

“Eventually, she reveals herself to save a friend’s life,” said Kaufman. “Then, she has to confront politicians, fanatics and psychiatrists and prove she’s not some sick, psychotic kid.”


The reaction--since Kaufman began shopping the script to the studios last week: “The best response, so far, is someone dove under his desk.”
