
Ventura Trolley Service to Harbor Area Begins

A trolley-like streetcar linking downtown Ventura with the harbor began making its hourly loop this week, with plans to continue service six days a week, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The so-called “trackless trolley,” which can carry up to 32 passengers paying a round-trip fare of $2 each, will be funded primarily by advertising on the side of the streetcar, said owner Diana Madison, who has provided a similar service in Santa Barbara for the last three years.

As part of the plan, the Ventura City Council agreed to give Madison $4,692 to help her purchase liability insurance. The city had planned to lend Madison’s company, Willowglen Investment Corp., $10,000, but decided instead to purchase $10,000 worth of advertising on the trolley.
