
Marathon Flier Turns Offer Into a Free Ride for 25 Georgia Kids

Associated Press

Twenty-five wide-eyed kids from Georgia, benefactors of a man who took an airline promotion very, very seriously, arrived in Los Angeles today for a four-day fling visiting tourist hot spots.

Clark Howard, 33, a former travel agent who arranged the trip, spent $2,110 to travel 26,338 miles on 68 flights in 48 days in a marathon-on-wings to meet the requirements of the Eastern Airlines promotion and get the free ride West.

Eastern offered 60 free tickets to anyone making at least 60 flights totaling more than 25,000 miles in 60 days as part of its 60th anniversary celebration, said Paula Musto at the airline’s Miami headquarters.


The 30-member entourage--25 youngsters and five chaperons that included Howard--arrived at Los Angeles International Airport at 11:10 a.m. It was the first plane ride ever for many of the youngsters, ranging in age from 9 to 15.

First stop on the itinerary was Universal Studios, where Frankenstein and Woody Woodpecker are the official greeters at the VIP entrance. From there, they will caravan through Hollywood and Beverly Hills to Venice Beach.

None of the youngsters has ever seen the ocean.

A daylong tour of Disneyland on Friday, a trip to the San Diego Zoo on Saturday and a visit to Manhattan Beach on Sunday completes the excursion. They leave for home Sunday afternoon.


Twelve of the children are from Big Brothers/Big Sisters and 13 from a program sponsored by the Boys Club and the Metro Atlanta Council on Alcohol and Drugs.

“This trip may not change their entire lives,” said Judy Weisberg of the Big Brothers program. “But if it makes them feel good about themselves, it’s worth every penny.”
