
Blunt Memos to Yaroslavsky

As a member of the Jewish community involved in building relationships with other ethnic groups, and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation Council of Los Angeles, I have been insulted and embarrassed by the remarks in the memos from the BAD consulting firm to my friend and Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky (“Blunt Memo by Advisers Prods Yaroslavsky Camp,” Part I, Aug. 9). Particularly offensive was the remark that “all Jews are wealthy and can be expected to donate $2,000 to the campaign.”

Over the years, past and present, Jews have contributed to American society via the arts, medical profession, humanities and the political life of our society.

There is no place in today’s society already filled with tension between Jews and blacks for political consultants such as BAD to create an atmosphere of bigotry and hatred between Jews and other ethnic groups.


Political candidates should have their consultants stress issues and not hatred and bigotry.

I hope that political candidates learn a lesson from this unpleasant affair: that the voting public will not tolerate this type of campaigning.


Los Angeles
