
Reagan Steals Pep at Rally Meant to Showcase Bush

United Press International

Vice President George Bush, joined by a President Reagan in best form, declared today that “things are still moving forward” and if Democrats win in November, they surely will “defeat and simply bury this recovery.”

But the vice president, addressing the Cabinet officers and political appointees gathered for a pep rally of sorts, was greeted with clearly less enthusiasm than the popular lame-duck President, and Bush’s remarks could foreshadow his address to the Republican convention in New Orleans next week.

‘I’m Counting on You’

“Frankly, I am counting on you,” Bush told the audience. “Our policies are working, and I want to build on that.”


Repeating a “measure-us-by-our-performance” theme with little energy, the vice president, although receiving standing ovations at the beginning and end of his remarks, drew only a smattering of applause throughout his speech.

When Reagan took the podium, however, his frequent jokes brought laughter and his attacks on Democrats and pledge of a future veto of an omnibus spending bill sparked loud applause.

“So far has it been worth it?” the President asked.

“Yeah,” the reply came roaring back, following by clapping.

“Who’s tending the store?” Reagan jokingly asked the large gathering of senior Administration officials. “Welcome to the White House complex. That’s what our opponents have after being eight years out of power.”


Harking back to the campaign themes that brought him the White House, Reagan attacked the “liberals” he defeated in 1980 and declared, “We’re going to hold the White House with George Bush . . . . I’ve often said George Bush has been the best vice president for years.

“I think he will be an even greater President.”
