
Local News in Brief : Countywide : Clean Air Policy Plans to Be Discussed Today

Detailed clean air policy proposals to bring smoggy Southern California into compliance with federal clean air standards within a generation will be unveiled today at a South Coast Air Quality Management District public hearing.

The session is part of the smog district’s nine-month program to win support from competing environmental and economic interests for fundamental air quality goals and deadlines for achieving them.

The policies will later form the basis for a formal four-county air quality management plan to be adopted in November. That plan, in turn, will guide the development of specific air pollution controls needed if the South Coast Air Basin, which includes Orange County, is to be brought into compliance with federal clean air standards by the year 2007.


The daylong public hearing will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Industry Hills & Sheraton Resort at 1 Industry Hills Parkway, located off Azusa Avenue, in the City of Industry.

The AQMD is seeking comment on the plan from business, industry and civic leaders, and environmentalists and the general public.
