
Whittier Blvd. Business Assn. Starts Revitalization Campaign

The Whittier Boulevard Business Assn. is seeking merchants on Whittier Boulevard to join and work on its business assessment district committee, according to Joe Coria, chairman of the committee and an association board member.

The group hopes to bring together every business on the two-mile corridor to work toward revitalizing the district, Coria said. Those wishing to volunteer for the committee may call 888-9876.

“Our boundaries are from the east city line at Garfield to the west city line at Van Norman Road and includes adjacent business areas, such as the Newmark Mall,” Coria said. “Our assessment committee must be representative of the entire boulevard, from every type and size of business, and have a diversity of opinions. . . . Membership does not mean that the person favors our assessment proposal, only that they will participate in the evaluation and planning to determine the wishes of the more than 300 businesses on the Whittier Boulevard corridor in Montebello.”
