
Pentagon Aide Rebuked Over Testimony on Bribery Scandal

Associated Press

The Pentagon’s top procurement official drew criticism today when he said the criminal investigation into fraud and bribery in weapons buying shows the strength--not the weakness--of Reagan Administration defense policies.

“So, if we have accomplished so much, why have there been so many cases of procurement fraud?” Robert B. Costello asked at a packed hearing of the House Armed Services Committee. “Is there more corruption now?”

“We don’t think so. Due to our improvements we can conduct viable enforcement to apprehend, prosecute and jail procurement fraud perpetrators,” he answered.


Costello added: “Our acquisition system works. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to identify persons who attempt to circumvent it. They may elude us for a while, but in the end, we will prevail.”

Costello is the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and oversees the vast Pentagon purchasing system.

After listening to Costello’s testimony, Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colo.) said, “You drive me crazy. . . . You’re in an absolutely protective mode.”


The hearing was the first formal meeting of a congressional committee to review the Pentagon acquisitions since the ongoing investigation became public two weeks ago.
