
Here are some key evening movies playing...

Here are some key evening movies playing this week on cable TV.


The Red Badge of Courage (Disney at 7), Roxanne (HBO at 7), The Gospel According to Vic (Z at 7:30), Plenty (Showtime at 8).


Rouge Baiser (SelecTV at 7), Raising Arizona (HBO at 8), Tunes of Glory (Z at 9), The Color of Money (Showtime at 9:35).


Dune (WGN at 9:30, to be completed Wednesday at same time).


This Property Is Condemned (Cinemax at 6), High Noon (TBS at 7:30), The Morning After (Cinemax at 8), Amadeus (Z at 9).



Los Olvidados (Z at 6), Come Back to the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (Showtime at 7), Los Tarantos (Bravo at 8:30), Lust for Life (Z at 9).


The Woman Next Door (Bravo at 8).


Local Hero (Z at 7), Dragnet (Movie Channel & Z at 9).

Movies to Tape

Detour (Z Sunday at 1 p.m.): Edgar Ulmer’s relentlessly entertaining 1945 film noir with Tom Neal and Ann Savage is a B-movie classic. (1:08)

Rashomon (Bravo Monday at 9 p.m.): The 1951 Kurosawa period classic in which an incident in a forest is presented from four different points of view. (1:30)


Cutter’s Way (Movie Channel Monday at 10 p.m.): Ivan Passer’s unjustly neglected 1981 film which deals with the plight of the Vietnam vet in the context of a Ross Macdonald-like mystery story. (1:45)

Stagecoach (TBS Wednesday at 9:20 p.m.): The 1939 John Ford Western classic is such a masterpiece of timeless storytelling that once you start watching, it’s almost impossible to turn away. (2:00)

Hail, Mary (Bravo Saturday at 9 p.m.): Jean-Luc Godard’s contemporary re-telling of the story of Mary and Joseph stirred considerable controversy when it was released in 1985, but it actually is rather touching instead of blasphemous. (1:47)
