
The Dunda Episode

I am writing in response to the atrocities I have been reading about that have taken place at San Diego Wild Animal Park--specifically, the beatings to the gentle giants, the elephants.

I cannot understand why such a renowned animal park is dragging its heels concerning discipline of those employees who were responsible for such treatment to the elephants. If these people have not been fired, they should be.

I feel the park should publicly take a stand against such treatment, and take the time to screen each and every employee, present and future, to ensure that this kind of action will never again take place. To allow this kind of action by any employee working in a “sanctuary” for animals is criminal, and these people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


I would hope that the public would take a stand against this type of treatment as well and boycott the park until assurances can be given that this will never happen again.

As much joy as these animals bring to the people, so should they reap good treatment, and not mistreatment nor impatience by these undignified, cruel human beings.


Newport Beach
