
Miss Santa Cruz Protest and Beauty Pageants

The Times editorial states that “beauty contestants these days are pros . . . the casually gorgeous girls next door don’t win anymore.” The Times goes on to suggest there is nothing wrong with obtaining a career as a model, actress or TV anchor woman by dint of being chosen as a Miss America.

When the “freedom trash can” for old bras, girdles and other instruments of torture to women was set up by feminist protesters at the 1968 Miss America contest, the womens’ concerns then were no different from their 1988 companions! To say as The Times editorial suggests that because women had fewer professional opportunities than they do now--”women today can be lawyers, doctors, fire fighters and even Miss America”--is misleading.

Sure there are more female lawyers, professors and even a few have entered such heretofore all male careers as auto racers and bull fighters. The fact remains, however, that a woman is judged by her appearance before her abilities.


Diane Sawyer has been a recent victim of the “appearance factor.” Female lawyers are not given the same respect as their male counterparts.

Until beauty is de-emphasized, women will never have equal opportunities as men do. Banning the Miss America contest is a step in the right direction to emphasis on brains over beauty.


Long Beach
