
The Jane Fonda Apology

Jane Fonda’s apology (with reservations, of course) as aired on June 17 by Barbara Walters on “20/20” was nothing but a cynical bid to silence her critics, some of whom have been inspired to block her from shooting on location in their districts.

As such, it failed, because Walters ran some film clips of Hanoi Jane clowning around on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun in 1972, which exposed her treason most graphically and for all to see.

In an age when the United States sees fit to indict patriots--Col. Oliver North and Adm. John Poindexter come to mind--for exceeding their authority out of zeal, it seems the ultimate irony to let traitors off with an apology.


Nothing short of an indictment and a trial before a jury of her peers is appropriate in Fonda’s case.


Pacific Palisades
