
San Diegan’s Regrets

The La Jolla Chamber Music Society wishes to disassociate itself from the unfortunate remarks about the San Diego Symphony and the San Diego Chamber Orchestra attributed to our current executive director (“Music Director Takes Own Advice, Quits While at Top,” Kenneth Herman, June 20). They in no way reflect the sentiments of the Society.

We are convinced that a steadily growing San Diego audience should be offered the widest possible choice of serious music and, accordingly, have increased our presentations over the past few years. But, as a presenting organization, we have no desire to enter into competition with existing performing groups, such as the San Diego Symphony and the San Diego Chamber Orchestra. Indeed, we wish them every success and hope to continue to cooperate with them.

In a city such as ours, there should be room for us all, as long as each organization remains dedicated to providing quality music.


MARIE OLESEN, president

JOY FRIEMAN, immediate past president

La Jolla Chamber Music Society
