
Concerning your article on Meyer Vaisman (“Hot...

Concerning your article on Meyer Vaisman (“Hot Young Artist’s Solo Exhibit Opens in La Jolla,” Hilliard Harper, May 31) and this quote by Vaisman: “In the ‘70s, there wasn’t that much of an interest in art on the part of collectors because of recessions and inflations and that sort of thing. So what artists started doing was to make works of art that only existed as installations or a work of art that only existed in the landscape like Robert Smithson did with his ‘Spiral Jetty.’ ”

I have a difficult time believing such a “hot” artist would make such a conclusion. Installations and Earthworks had nothing to do with the lack of sales, or with the marketplace for that matter. I know Vaisman was a flash in New York City last year, but he certainly hasn’t a grasp on art history.

I’m glad you quoted him.


Mt. Helix
