
Local News in Brief : Huntington Beach : Golden West Student Is Coast District Trustee

Georgina Dodge, a student at Golden West College, has been elected to serve a one-year term as student representative on the Coast Community College District Board of Trustees.

The district governs three community colleges: Golden West in Huntington Beach, Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, and Coastline Community College, headquartered in Fountain Valley.

Duties of the student trustee include meeting with the district’s Student Council before board meetings to discuss student interest in items on the board’s agenda. Student trustees have no vote, but they are empowered to make and second motions during the board meetings. They also may discuss items on the agenda.


Dodge, 27, a resident of Westminster, was elected to the district board by the district Student Council. The council is composed of three student representatives from each of the three colleges in the district.

Dodge, who calls herself “an Air Force brat,” was born in South Korea when her father, who is now retired, was stationed there. She is majoring in English at Golden West College and plans to transfer to UC Irvine.
