
DWP Mounts Campaign to Cut Water Use : Conservation Kits, Audits Included in Anti-Drought Tactics

To emphasize the importance of water conservation in this drought year, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) is implementing a $5-million public awareness and community outreach program that includes free water conservation kits to residents and home and business water conservation audits.

Other elements of the program include the distribution of free lawn watering guides to residential customers, large-turf water audits for parks and a citywide water conservation gardens contest and symposium.

Under two water conservation ordinances passed by the Los Angeles City Council in April, residents are prohibited from washing down sidewalks and driveways, and owners of single-family, multifamily and commercial and industrial buildings must install water-saving devices by Oct. 13.


In August, the DWP will begin distribution of free water conservation kits to owners of single-family houses, condominiums and townhouses and apartments.
