
Why Slow Growth Lost, What Will Happen Now

Measure A has been defeated, and I’m pleased. I voted against it. But as I compare the spending of the two sides on the measure ($48,000 for, $1.81 million against, as of June 3), it’s hard to shake the uneasy feeling that my vote was bought by rich developers. And I certainly hope my no vote is not seen as a sign that I am opposed to the goals of the measure.

Growth in Orange County has got to be brought under control. The huge uproar raised by an initiative with so little money behind it must be viewed as an indication that Orange County wants expansion to be slowed. It is insane to continue development without the infrastructure to support it.

I voted against the measure because I think it needs to be handled by the leaders of the county and the cities. To have it in the form of the initiative would have been too inflexible for our good.


I believe our leaders can be trusted to hear the message of the initiative. If this optimism proves unfounded, I will be voting no again: this time for the reelection of those leaders.


