
Series on Aliens

As the director of the Office of Social Concerns of the Mission San Luis Rey Parish in North County, I deal on a daily basis with aliens from many countries, both legal and illegal.

I had expected an unbiased article from The Times. However, I feel that the (recent) series has shown only some negative aspects of one small segment of the Hispanic presence in North County.

The uninformed public must not be left with only the information printed in this series. There must be a follow-up showing the positive aspects of the same segment of our society. The positive work ethic, deep spirituality and close family support these people bring with them from their native lands must be voiced also.


If there is not a follow-up series such as described, then the original series should have been printed as an editorial and not as news.

Please correct this discrepancy immediately before the series of articles is used as information to justify racism.


Mission San Luis Rey Parish

