
Split Decision for Annexation in Glendora

Times Staff Writer

Opponents of Glendora’s expansive annexation efforts earned a split decision in Tuesday’s election on ballot measures affecting two unincorporated neighborhoods along the southern edge of the city.

Annexation was rejected by residents of a neighborhood in the southwestern corner of Glendora, an area that last fall spawned an anti-annexation group called CAUTION (Citizens Against Unfair Takeover Involving Our Neighborhoods). However, residents of a small area on the city’s southeastern rim chose to accept annexation by a single vote.

The measures were placed on the ballot after the proposed annexations were protested by more than 25%--but less than 50%--of the registered voters living in the affected areas. If more than 50% of the voters had submitted written protests, the annexation proceedings would have been terminated without a vote.


Measure B, which called for the annexation of 41 homes in a small unincorporated area east of Lone Hill Avenue and west of Tressy Avenue, passed by a vote of 12 to 11. The neighborhood, which includes Duell and Kenoma streets, is the first to vote in favor of joining Glendora since the city began an ambitious annexation drive last year.

But Measure C, which would have brought a neighborhood of 71 homes east of Citrus College into the city, was rejected by voters in that area, 43 to 32. The proposed annexation area, consisting of Bridwell and Orangepath streets, east of Barranca Avenue and west of Vecino Avenue, will remain outside the city.

In the past year, the city has annexed 1,162 homes, containing an estimated 3,200 people. In most cases, less than 25% of the registered voters in the affected areas protested annexation, enabling the city to include the territory without a vote.


However, some new Glendora residents complained that they had not been given adequate notice that their neighborhoods were slated for annexation. Many residents said they opposed annexation because they did not want to be subject to city regulations, particularly a ban on overnight street parking.

In response, the City Council voted earlier this year to give residents of proposed annexation districts greater advance notice of annexation proceedings. Last month, the city abandoned annexation proceedings for two neighborhoods on the southwest border of Glendora after more than 50% of the registered voters in those areas submitted letters of protest.
