
Measure A Sparks Debate Over Growth and County’s Future

The Times editorial states that the Measure A initiative is a poor approach to solving problems. Further, that just qualifying the initiative will persuade the supervisors to take much-needed action. Not many will believe that. Consider what message will be sent to the politicians if Measure A is voted down. The message will be that the public wants business as usual.

Commissioning an advisory committee is a common device for mollifying an aroused public prior to a vote. Contrary to The Times’ statement that the supervisors must adopt the committee’s plan, there is nothing that requires them to do so.

It is true that initiatives are not the best way to make law. The best approach is having responsible legislators more concerned with the general public’s welfare than securing large campaign contributions from special interests. When that fails, as it has in Orange County, then the most effective action available to the public is the initiative process.



El Toro
