
Measure A Sparks Debate Over Growth and County’s Future

Measure A, Orange County’s so-called Sensible Growth and Traffic Control Initiative, should be defeated. Recent opinion polls have shown that the primary reason people want to vote for this awful initiative is to solve our traffic problems. If you really want to do that, vote for three things:

Proposition 72, which will require the state to use motor-vehicle fuels sales tax revenues only for street, highway, and mass transit purposes. Proposition 74, which will provide $1 billion for transportation, including freeway projects here in the county and the next ballot measure--whenever it comes up--that calls for an increase in gasoline taxes with all the increased revenue spent to solve transportation problems.

The only way we are going to get out of our traffic mess is by each of us accepting our share of the public’s responsibility to pay for improving its transportation system. We have shunned that responsibility far too long!


Measure A is a phony cure that will cause many problems and solve none.


San Clemente
