
Woo’s ‘Outrageous’ Compact with 2 Groups

On May 9 Councilman Mike Woo signed an outrageous “compact” with the Studio City Residents Assn. and the Studio City Chamber of Commerce. This insidious and arrogant “compact” disenfranchises the majority of citizens of Studio City.

We quote: “I (Councilman Woo) therefore declare, that in all upcoming development and transportation issues in Studio City . . . the Studio City Residents Assn. and Studio City Chamber of Commerce shall be considered the ‘voice of the people.’ ”

The councilman’s disdain for the people is obvious when he further declares “that the Studio City Residents Assn. and Studio City Chamber of Commerce shall be the sole organizations involved in all negotiations that will take place” if the Sportsmen’s Lodge property on Ventura Boulevard is sold.


We think that any organization or individual should be allowed to participate in negotiations involving future development on transportation decisions including the potential sale of the Sportsmen’s Lodge or Studio City Golf Course or any other significant development.

And furthermore, neither group is “the voice of the people.” Woo is being paid from tax dollars to represent his district, not to hand over all of his responsibilities to a group that does not represent the majority of the people. The attitude of the Residents’ Assn. to growth and development seems to be “Let ‘em off easy.” Their views are generally in opposition to other homeowner groups in the Valley on issues of transportation and development.

It’s easy for Woo to divest himself of responsibility when it seems as if he only cares about select power groups, not about individuals. Our problems, when they are addressed, are “chores” passed on to his often-surly deputies who mirror Woo’s strange anti-individual attitudes. “See the residents’ association,” they suggest, “and we’ll support you if they do.”


Recently the association took a position favoring the expansion of the DWP substation on Coldwater Canyon. The decision-makers within the Studio City Residents Assn. proceeded to speak for everyone in Studio City, in spite of the fact that over 200 neighbors protested the expansion. They then assumed that their own membership (some of which were these neighbors) would go along with their decision to support the expansion. The problem is obvious: A few decision-makers within the SCRA are speaking for the entire membership without even putting the matter up for general discussion, let along voting, on the issues.

We question any citizens’ organization which maintains this type of policy as being for the general good of the community, and we seriously question the competency of any representative who would allow any group to be the sole representative of an entire community.

We, the disenfranchised, therefore declare, that we no longer accept Councilman Woo as our representative in the 13th District.


We further declare that if a responsible candidate opposes Councilman Woo in a bid for re-election, he will receive our vigorous support. And we further declare that any decision reached between Councilman Woo and the Studio City Residents Assn. and the Studio City Chamber of Commerce without our expressed written consent is null and void.



Studio City


North Hollywood
