
Times Camp Fund : 35th Annual Drive Gets Under Way

Today is the beginning of the 35th annual Los Angeles Times Summer Camp Fund campaign.

Over the years, the fund has made it possible for more than 247,000 Southern California youngsters to attend a week of summer camp--an adventure that many of these inner-city youths could otherwise only dream about.

Each year, 10,000 such children are chosen for an opportunity to enjoy a week’s respite from the physical, emotional and sexual abuse; gang violence; drugs and poverty that pervade their everyday lives. Since the fund’s inception, more than $9.5 million has been raised, including last year’s tally of $800,842.

Beginning Monday, The Times will profile various youngsters served by the Camp Fund. The articles, accompanied by a coupon for donations, and, starting next Sunday, a list of those donating $15 or more will appear opposite the comics page Monday through Friday and toward the back of the View section on Sunday.


“We are very proud of the Camp Fund’s tradition of service to the young people of Southern California,” said Tom Johnson, publisher and chief executive officer of The Times. “We feel that the experience of summer camp offers hope and a brighter outlook for the future to these children.

Generous Times Readers

“With their generous donations, our readers have joined with The Times to give these youngsters opportunities they might not otherwise have,” Johnson added. “In this ongoing partnership, we really can make a difference.”

Youth service officials involved in the program say that the positive, nurturing environment of summer camp provides the children with a vision of a better life and the determination to pursue it. Hiking in the woods, swimming in a lake, riding a horse or toasting marshmallows over a campfire are experiences most of these children have never had--until their first week at camp.


The Times does not own or operate any of the camps. Rather, the funds are allocated to about 200 Southern California youth agencies, all of which are approved by the American Camping Assn. according to strict standards regarding facilities, programming and personnel.

Some of the agencies receiving funds include the Woodcraft Rangers, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Salvation Army, Campfire Councils, Jewish Big Brothers, Inner City Ministries and Boys and Girls Clubs.

Staff members at these organizations select the youngsters to receive camperships. Priority is given to the neediest children, as certified in guidelines established by The Times and the United Way. Another factor influencing selection is a child’s effort to earn some portion of the average cost of $105 for a week at camp.


All costs associated with administering the fund are absorbed by The Times, and accounting services are donated by Security Pacific Bank, ensuring that all contributions go directly to pay the children’s camp fees.

Disabled children, who make up a large portion of those receiving camperships, attend camps operated by agencies such as the National Kidney Foundation, the American Diabetes Assn., the Easter Seal Society and the Crippled Children’s Society of Los Angeles County.

Readers who wish to contribute to the fund may send their tax-deductible donations to the Times Summer Camp Fund, Department 2799, SCF Pasadena 91051-2799. No door-to-door solicitation has been authorized or will be made.

The Times Summer Camp Fund drive is conducted in compliance with the Social Service Department, the City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles County Business License Commission.
