
Fighting the War on Drugs in the U.S.

I have just read four related and disturbing stories in The Times (Part I, May 13). In the first, we’re going to try to use our military to fight this “drug war.” In the second, the California Senate passed legislation to OK wiretapping of California homes to catch drug smugglers. In the third, two more boats were seized by the U.S. Coast Guard for having “tiny amounts” of marijuana aboard. And finally, in the last story, it appears that the White House is now attempting to “plea bargain” with Gen. Manual Noriega of Panama, thus dropping all drug-related charges against him in exchange for his stepping down and going into exile.

What’s going on here anyway? Is it my imagination, or are we chasing the wrong people?

It looks like some of our civil rights are heading out the door.

Of course, the perennial Big Brother question is, “What’s next?” I suggest to any of you who smoked pot in the ‘60s that you’d better go to the closet and check the pockets of your old coats for seeds and stems. You, as well as your house, could be next.


Santa Ana
