

Seven elementary schools in San Diego County have been named winners in the 1988 National Elementary School Recognition Program. The competition is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education.

The winning schools are Del Mar Hills; Park Dale Lane in Encinitas; Fallbrook Street; Sundance in Poway; Jerabek in San Diego; Pepper Drive in Santee, and Skyline in Solana Beach.

The schools are among 29 winning schools in California and 230 public elementary and 47 private schools across the nation out of 58,051 schools nationwide. Judges based their awards on a 44-page application and a two-day visit from a two-person review team. Selection criteria included high test scores, evidence of good teaching practices, and strong parent and community support.


County schools Supt. Thomas Boysen said San Diego did exceptionally well by accounting for almost one-fourth of the California total. He said that, since San Diego County elementary schools have 7% of the state’s enrollment, San Diego would have been expected to have only two winners, based on numerical averages.
