
Bigotry on Campuses

It is with much despair that one reads again reports on the insidious and incendiary nature of racism in this country. What is peculiarly disturbing about this accelerated trend is that it is occurring on our college campuses. The parents of many of today’s students were yesterday’s activists who marched and protested against the social, civil and racial injustices during the 1960s.

Many of these individuals have not delivered on the promises and vows that were made during this turbulent period. We self-righteously proclaimed a new anthem of peace and freedom. Of an America that had to undergo fundamental changes in order to secure the most basic of human rights. Apparently, the vehemence and zeal so often displayed then has given way to passive resignation now. The speciousness of those beliefs is appalling.

If this scenario is truly descriptive of what was once an overpowering message, then the ‘60s will be reduced to what many have already claimed it to be--that of an aberration in our nation’s history. How very disappointing.



Los Angeles
