
Trademark Case Settled: No One’s Goose Is Cooked

Associated Press

The squawking’s over between Grammy Goose and Granny Goose.

A settlement in a lawsuit brought by the international snacks manufacturer against Grammy Goose Baby Boutique for trademark infringement was reached Tuesday, and allows the Petaluma clothing store to keep its name.

Although details were not revealed, Grammy attorney Barry Parkinson said the suit brought by Granny Goose would be dismissed and that his client will continue using the name and logo.

The issue emerged last fall when store owner Sandy Gotelli received a letter from Granny representatives demanding that she change the store’s name and emblem.


When Gotelli ignored the letters, the company sued.

A Sonoma County judge last month refused to grant a temporary injunction against Gotelli, which would have prevented her from using the name Grammy Goose.
