
Local News in Brief : Jewish Ouster Bid Fails

An effort to oust the New Jewish Agenda group from the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles because of its alleged sympathy for Palestine Liberation Organization causes has failed, a spokesman for the council said.

Spokesman Ronald F. Rieder said the admissions committee of the council, which represents most of organized Jewish Los Angeles, decided to take “no action to reprimand, suspend or terminate affiliation of the New Jewish Agenda.”

The committee urged New Jewish Agenda to be more “sensitive to the impact of the behavior of participants in public events.”


The expulsion move was initiated by Americans for a Safe Israel, which supports Israel’s hard-line policies. It cited participation of agenda members in a demonstration outside the Israeli Consulate last December.

“We are very pleased that the admissions committee has recognized that there are varied political opinions within the Jewish community,” said Nancy Becker of the New Jewish Agenda.

But Rabbi Julian White, president of the Los Angeles chapter of Americans for a Safe Israel, called the decision “shortsighted.”
