
Maxtor to Unveil ‘Fastest’ Compact Disc Recorder

Associated Press

Maxtor Corp. said Monday that it has built the fastest compact disc recorder yet and plans to bring the data-storage device to the market by September.

The Tahiti I gives Maxtor an edge over other companies, including Tandy Corp., Sony Corp., Sharp Corp. and Eastman Kodak’s Verbatim Corp., that are trying to use the laser technology of compact discs for storing computerized information, analysts said.

“They have the most advanced product that’s yet been announced,” said Robert Katzive, vice president of Disk Trend Inc., a market research firm based in Mountain View, Calif.


A high-capacity, erasable compact disc that works with the Maxtor player was announced by Philips and DuPont Optical, a joint venture of DuPont Co. and NV Philips of the Netherlands. Other companies will also supply discs.

The system was demonstrated Monday at the Comdex spring computer trade show in Atlanta.
